

Example of markdown supported by HUGO CMS:

# Text type

Bold text

**Bold text**

Italic Text

*Italic Text*

Inline code section

`Inline code section`

# Headings

# Various

# Headings

# Sizes

#### Various

###### Headings

### Sizes

# Image

Hugo Banner
Hugo Banner
![File Description](path/to/file/gohugoio-card-1.png)

Homepage for the CMS

[Homepage for the CMS]( "Link description")

# List

  • Unordered

  • list

    • with
    • sublists
* Unordered
* list

  * with
  * sublists

  1. Ordered

  2. sublist

    1. with
    2. sublists
1. Ordered
2. sublist

   1. with
   2. sublists

# Code blocks

1package main
3import "fmt"
5func main() {
6fmt.Println("hello world")

was produced by: 1

 1{{<  highlight your_language "linenos=inline" >}}
 3package main
 5import "fmt"
 7func main() {
 8fmt.Println("hello world")
10{{<  /highlight >}}

# Footnotes

To use footnotes2

your text [^name of your footnote] ... your other text




(everywhere in your page)

[^name of your footnote]: description of your footnote

# Quote blocks

Example of quoteblock

Nested Block

> Example of quoteblock
> > Nested Block

Quote with green accent

{{< quote green >}} Quote with green accent {{< /quote >}}

The custom quote shortcode supports 6 colors:

  1. red
  2. green
  3. yellow
  4. orange
  5. purple
  6. blue

You can iterate through them

Quote with green accent

Subquote with red accent

Keep in mind to not rely too much on color to avoid difficulties to colorblind people

You can use this for conversation or various graphs

To create warning signs or other alert there are custom shortcodes for that Bootstrap


Subquote with yellow accent

Subquote with orange accent

# Alerts

There are various way to mark some important infromation for your readers, one way is to use alert messages. To describe the type of alert this theme uses a syntax similar to Bootstrap to differentiate between them:

  • Danger
  • Warning
  • Info
  • Success

# Danger

{{< danger "Danger Title" >}}
 This alert box indicates a dangerous or potentially negative action
{{< / danger >}}

# Warning

{{< warning "Warning Title" >}}
This alert box indicates a warning that might need attention.
{{< / warning >}}

# Info

{{< info "Info Title" >}}
 This alert box indicates a neutral informative change or action.
{{< / info >}}

# Success

{{< success "Success title" >}}
 This alert box indicates a successful or positive action.
{{< / success >}}

# Configuration

You can edit the default symbols displayed on every type of alert by editing your config file


  1. To avoid Hugo CMS from rendering your shortcodes use this guide ↩︎

  2. The number things you see on every boring book or in Wikipedia ↩︎