# Pixyll
Pixyll is a simple, beautiful theme for Hugo. Based on Pixyll for Jekyll
# How to
Head to the tutorial from the main blog to discover more.
# Features
- High Lighthouse score.
- No external dependencies.
- Minimal JS use (for the Web Share API, the AMP website and the caching in the PWA).
- Basic tag support.
- Comments powered by Staticman.
- Powerful sharing widget.
- Social links (currently only for twitter).
- Pagination support.
- AMP support.
- MathJax support.
- Homepage under 20KiB.
# Changes from Pixyll
- No more search support.
- No more internalization (i18n) support.
- Automatic dark mode with the
CSS media feature. - Removed fonts hosted on Google Fonts, now they are included in the theme as a fallback if the web safe fonts are not available.
- Added Archive page.
- Comment support.
- Share page widget.
- Table of contents support.
- Basic support for Twitter Cards.
- Fixed color contrast to follow WebAIM’s minimum AA guidelines.
# Example config:
baseURL = "https://example.com/"
absURL= "https://example.com"
languageCode = "en-en"
title = "Pyxill 2"
contentdir = "content"
publishdir = "public"
builddrafts = false
theme = "pyxill2"
ignoreFiles = [ "\\.db$","\\.css$"]
Paginate= 10
relativeURLs = false
canonifyURLs= true
category = "categories"
tag = "tags"
math_library = "katex"
toc= true
absURL= "https://example.com"
mainSections = ["post"]
bg_color= "#3b4252"
theme_color= "#4c566a"
twitter_username = "twittersupport"
paginate = 10
description = "for the web scraping"
author = "Author"
banner= "/banner.png"
# staticman_api = "http://your-staticman-url/v2/connect/GITHUB-USERNAME/GITHUB-REPOSITORY" Add staticman API URL to enable staticman comments https://pyxill2.netlify.app/post/staticman/ for more information
# RssUrl = "https://feeds.feedburner.com/feed for analytics"
# google_analytics_id = "oVaXKQsxNsPoOo6UNrGbQrBTdxEOBP0qJBRMTScdg8U" (for Google Search Console ownership)
# flattr_id = "e0v7jk" (for Flattr ownership https://flattr.com/settings/connect/domain?redirect=%2Fsettings%2Fprofile%23connections)
# payment_pointer = "$ilp.uphold.com/kk3ZPeDi34nP" (for Coil.com monetization)
# google_analytics_js = false (to enable the JS analytics )
js_privacy = true #uses locally hosted libraries instead of using their CDN
footer_links = false #enables a footer navigation bar
custom_navbar = false #makes the main navbar editable
custom_footbar = false #maked the footbare editable
name = "The Author"
home = ["HTML", "AMP", "RSS"]
page = ["HTML", "AMP", "RSS"]
disable = false
simple = true
disable = false
enableDNT = true
simple = true
disable = false
simple = true
disable = false
privacyEnhanced = true
writeStats = true
definitionList = true
footnote = true
linkify = true
strikethrough = true
table = true
taskList = true
typographer = true
attribute = true
autoHeadingID = true
autoHeadingIDType = "github"
hardWraps = false
unsafe = false
xhtml = false
name = "About"
url = "/about/"
weight = -90
name = "Archive"
url = "/archives/"
weight = -100
name = "Contact"
url = "/contact/"
weight = -110
name = "Tags"
url = "/tags/"
weight = -120
name = "Privacy Policy"
url = "/privacy-policy/"
weight = -90
name = " | "
weight = -95
name = "Credits"
url = "/credits/"
weight = -100
name = " | "
weight = -105
name = "Admin"
url = "/netlify/"
weight = -110
# Screenshots
# Lighthouse Score
Nothing yet.
Say something